Personal Development at The Whitehaven Academy 

Personal development is a thread that runs through all areas of school life: PD lessons, the wider curriculum, tutor time, assemblies, extra-curricular clubs etc. The three key themes of Personal Development at The Whitehaven Academy are: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Sex Education and Life beyond school. These big themes will cover a vast number of topics, including:

Rights, Responsibilities and British Values ​

Celebrating diversity and equality ​

Relationships and sex education ​

Staying safe online and offline ​

Health and wellbeing ​

Life beyond school ​

Furthermore, as a school we are committed to the promotion of British Values and all aspects of Social, Moral, Spiritual and cultural education. This is taught through a comprehensive tutor time programme, the PD and wider curriculums and in the way we treat one another following our values of respect, responsibility and resilience.

Assemblies are an essential part of The Whitehaven Academy experience. Each year group has one assembly each week, focusing on a variety of themes including: our values, British Values, current issues and social, moral, spiritual and cultural issues. Assemblies link into the wider tutor time programme, the link to this is below.

Tutor Time Programme

Assembly Rota

Below are links to some of our assemblies that have been delivered so far this term – due to COVID-19 restrictions we have been running assemblies virtually.

The Whitehaven Academy Values

Year 7 and 8 assembly

Year 9 and 10 assembly

British Values – Democracy and Student Council

European Day of Languages – Escape Room Task