Dear Parents/Carers
Whitehaven Cluster Child Care Provision
Along with twelve other schools, we are part of the Whitehaven Cluster and are offering a child care hub as from Monday 30th March for families of key workers who have no other child care alternative.
As a cluster we are working hard to ensure that childcare can remain in place for those children of key workers throughout the duration of school closures. Please be aware over the coming weeks this may be a diminishing resource. We must reiterate however that provision is ONLY for our front line key workers – it is not free child care. We all have a duty to make sure only those families who urgently need this support have access to it.
The message is and must continue to be CHILDREN ARE SAFER AT HOME.
Jericho Primary School will act as a cluster hub over the next three weeks – w/c 30th March, w/c 6th April and w/c 13th April.
This will continue on a three week cycle until further notice and will be available Monday-Friday 8:45 – 3:20 p.m.
If you need to use this service and have evidence from an employer that supports this need please visit: and click the link regarding Child Care provision. A booking form will then be sent requesting dates along with our local provision guidance.
A packed lunch and snacks will be provided.
Please ensure your child wears their school PE hoody or sweatshirt and trainers. They will also need to bring a water bottle, coat and a pair of gloves for handling outdoor equipment and any medication they may be taking. There will be further registration forms to complete when you arrive at the setting to ensure that they have all the information they need to care for your child.
Please be aware this offer is provided by staff from a combination of schools and it is important to realise that your child may not know any of the staff.
We are very grateful to all the staff volunteers across our cluster of schools who are providing this service; be patient with us – it is an imperfect model to cope with an ever-changing crisis.
Please only use this service when you have exhausted all available child care options.
Remember, if possible, it is better for your child to be at home.
Thank you.
Nigel Youngman