Please familiarise yourself with these policy reminders, which are for the benefit of students, parents/carers and staff:
Students must not bring medication into the academy for them to administer themselves. All medications must be handed in to First Aid staff, along with the appropriate paperwork, and administered as per parent and/or GP instructions. Medication will be confiscated from students for their own safety, and items must collected by an appropriate adult. Please contact the academy if you have any questions.
Please ensure appointments are made out of school time where possible. When this is unavoidable, please inform the attendance officer on 595422 in the first instance or send a text message to 07624804581. Your child should bring in a note or official appointment letter for the attendance officer to sign and this will also provide information for their teacher to allow them to leave the lesson. If we are unaware of an appointment beforehand, students will not be allowed to leave the academy. Absences will be recorded as unauthorised if evidence is not provided.