Welcome to The Whitehaven Academy

Welcome to our Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Evening web page.

On Thursday 8th July you are invited to a ‘Virtual Form Group Meeting’ with Mr Youngman, our Headteacher, your child’s Form Tutor and a member of the Learning Provision Team where we will share further information in preparation for September and answer any of your questions.

To join your child’s Form Group Meeting: download the free ‘Microsoft TEAMS’ app to your mobile or other media device and click on the appropriate link below a few minutes before the session starts.

Mrs Clooney (7TMC)

5.30p.m – 6:15p.m

Miss McKee (7JOM)

6.00p.m – 6:45p.m

Mr Gillson (7NMG)

5.45p.m – 6:30p.m

Mrs Coleman (7LXC)

6.15p.m – 7:00p.m