For information regarding exams please contact Dawn Burkinshaw (Exams Officer)

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Wellbeing During Exams

Exams can be an extremely challenging and stressful time. Check below for advice and sources of support for students’ wellbeing during exam times.

We all know that exams can be an extremely challenging and stressful time. If you’re struggling to manage your mood or anxiety levels, don’t keep it to yourself. Friends and family members can be a great source of support, as well as your teachers.

These websites have lots of advice on taking care of yourself during revision, examinations, and waiting for the results: – Whether you’re revising, waiting for your exam results, prepping for a job interview or just feeling a bit stressed, we’ve asked those who’ve been through it to share their wisdom. – While revising for exams, we’re often advised to take time out and look after our mental health but how can we do this? Our activist, Rose, shares her favourite ways. – The Mind Set provides information and support on how to manage exam stress. Advice comes from 12 trusted student coaches who have been through it before. They have made videos about their experiences, including about looking after their mental health, and they have also shared their stories with listeners on Radio 1’s Live Surgery.

Results Days

  • GCE/Level 3 (A Level) Results: Tuesday 10th August 2021
  • GCSE Results: Thursday 12th August 2021

Mobile Phones

Categories of sanctions of exam boards for mobile phones infringements:

  • Not in the candidates possession but active e.g. ringing in bag – WARNING LETTER
  • In the candidates possession switched ON or OFF, but no evidence of use – ZERO FOR THE UNIT THEY ARE SITTING AT THE TIME
  • On the candidate and evidence of use e.g. texting or answering a call – DISQUALIFIED FROM THE SUBJECT
  • Maximum penalty for repeated offences – 2 YEAR BAN FROM SITTING ANY EXAM WITH ANY OF THE EXAM BOARDS

Revision Toolkit

Looking for tips and advice? Use this Revision Toolkit

Other Documents

Year 11 Assessment Timetable 2021