Last week 10 of our Year 10 students took part in a work placement with Well Whitehaven as part of their work experience. Students were given the opportunity to meet and work alongside a variety of local employers and learn skills that will support them as they move into the world of work. They were given a project and had to work together to develop and deliver this project, a gaming café, to a group of Well Whitehaven stakeholders, who unanimously agreed to support the idea in principle. The students had a fantastic week and have returned to school motivated and inspired at the different career options that exist within the Whitehaven area. They are also excited to continue their work with Well Whitehaven next term through mentoring sessions focused on their individual career aspirations.
We would like to thank Emma Williamson from Well Whitehaven and her team for making this opportunity possible.
A link to the students final presentation can be found below.
A link to the press release is here: