Dear Parents/Carers
I am delighted and excited to let you know that a full new build for The Whitehaven Academy has been approved by the DfE.
This is the best possible news we could have hoped for and will have an enormous benefit for both current and future generations of Whitehaven, including members of the community who will also be able to use the facilities.
Over the next few months we will be working closely with the architects to ensure that a fantastic new learning environment is delivered for our students and staff.
Details about how the academy will operate, the number of classrooms and its range of facilities will be compiled through what is known as a School Specific Design Brief. This is an extremely important part of the new build process. Students and staff will be actively involved in this, engaging in a series of meetings where they will be able to put their influence and personal stamp on the project, working alongside architects to develop ideas that could be incorporated into the final design.
The DfE have confirmed that, subject to the appointment of contractors, it is anticipated that work will start on the new building in spring 2020, with an opening scheduled for Easter 2021.
Since September, we have completed a range of projects to ensure the current school is safe, dry and warm and we have also completed an internal decoration and refurbishment programme; additionally, there is a planned roll out of IT resources to ensure that whilst the new build is underway, students and staff can access the best possible opportunities for teaching and learning.
We will endeavour to keep you updated as the project evolves. This is another significant step forward for our school improvement journey.
I hope you all have a lovely Easter break.
Yours sincerely
Lorrayne Hughes
CEO – Cumbria Education Trust